Students will learn and develop skills in these subjects:
Basics Of The Law
Business Organization
Legal Basics
Contract Law
Law of Sales
Consumer Law
Employment Law
Property Law
*Please note this product is not just a bundle of activities and projects; this is a professional course created to meet national standards and gives teachers and students everything they need from day one of class to finals. No textbooks or outside resources are needed. Please read below to see what is included and how our courses will help you rest easy this school year!*
Course Highlights:
One-time purchase with continued free updates
-We will always share free updates with you.
Shared Google Drive Folder for the entire course.
This product can be taught in the classroom or online
Google, Windows, & Mac-friendly!
All documents are editable to meet your classroom needs.
Meets National Business Education Association Standards and ISTE Standards
This Product Includes:
474 pages of materials!
50 days of lesson plans for an 84-minute class
This course can be taught in the classroom or online.
Google, Windows, & Mac-friendly!
Follows National Business Education Standards
Everything you need from day 1 of class to finals
Absolutely no prep is needed
All documents are editable
All lessons incorporate Technology/ Real-World Application
The course provides differentiated instruction and mastery in content.
Basics of the Law
The Law
Sources of the Law
Structure of the Courts
Two Main Types of Law
Tort Law
Business and Crimes
Business Organization and Legal Basics
Forms of Business Organizations
Sole Proprietorship
Legal Procedures for Forming and Running different types of Businesses
U.S. Small Business Administration
Contract Law and Law of Sales
Contract Law
Elements of Contract
Legal Issues with Contracts
Breach of Contract
Law of Sales
Uniform Commercial Code
Sales Contract
Consumer Law
Unfair Business Practices
Regulation and Enforcement
Federal Trade Commission
Food and Drug Administration
Consumer Rights
Violating Consumer Rights
Employment Law
Equal Employment Opportunity
Total Rewards
Workplace Safety and Health
Labor Relations
Property Law
Real Property
Personal Property
Intellectual Property
Trade Secret
How to Acquire Property
Course Information:
This introductory TURNKEY SEMESTER COURSE is designed to give the students an understanding of business law and the legal matters that impact businesses, communities, families, and individuals. It’s essential for students to become knowledgeable in business law as it will help prepare them to prepare for their future roles professionally and personally. Students will demonstrate their understanding of Business Law through presentations, readings, notes, worksheets, group and individual projects, discussions, group and individual presentations, and tests.
If you buy this package, here is what you will be receiving:
Detailed Daily Lesson Plans (50 days)
NBEA Standards
Daily Step-by-Step Teaching Instructions for the Teacher
Daily Materials for all the lessons
Items that go with the daily lesson plans:
Syllabus & Get to know you discussion cards
Daily Bell Ringer & Closure/Review Activities
Fill in the blank Notes
Notes Keys
Review Game using or Kahoot
Individual and Group Activities with every Unit
Assignments with every Unit
Answer Keys
Projects for each Unit
Assessments with each Unit
Final Project
Comprehensive Final
Important: This course is intended for class periods that are 84 minutes long, so depending on how long your classes are and the pace that your students can learn will change how many days it will take your class to get through this semester's course. Remember that everything is editable, therefore it is important for you, as the teacher, to be responsible for editing and adapting all of these materials to meet your student's needs.
Terms of Use:
Created by Tech Twins, LLC ©
The purchase of this product is for single classroom use by the purchaser only. It is a violation for individuals, schools, and districts to redistribute, edit, sell or post this item on the internet or to other individuals. Additional licenses are available for purchase.
Product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks featured or referred to within this lesson are the property of their respective trademark holders. These trademark holders are not affiliated with Tech Twins, LLC. They do not sponsor or endorse the contents, materials, or processes discussed within this lesson.
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