Want additional Game Design Materials? Check out our Game Design Full Year Course, which includes this project!
This project is included in the JavaScript Coding Basics 3 Unit Plan- Game Design Edition.
Google, Windows, & Mac-friendly!
All documents are editable to meet your classroom needs.
The Project can be taught in the classroom or online.
No coding experience is needed for this unit.
Pong Game: JavaScript Coding Project & Rubric and detailed instructions.
Level 1 Edition
Level 2 Edition
Level 3 Edition
Leveling Up Projects Teacher Instruction Sheet
Student Game Play Day Activity
Project Details:
This project is designed to have students practice their skills by covering the basics of JavaScript coding:
JavaScript Objects, Properties & Methods
Referencing Elements In JavaScript
Students will practice coding their first game using the JavaScript knowledge they have previously learned. The game they create will have the user play the computer in a Pong Game. Students will follow step-by-step instructions to complete this project. They will then complete a Game Play Day activity, where they will all play each other's games and give feedback to their peers. This project is an excellent introduction to JavaScript coding for students.
After teaching game design for over a decade, we know students learn at all different levels. Building the student's confidence in coding is essential to gain excellent coding skills. With this in mind, we will be attaching three levels of projects. As the teacher, you can choose which level you would like to assign your class based on their skill level. You can also assign the level based on each student. The options for projects are shared below:
Level 1
The project has a coding answer key, and students must "Put A Twist On It."
Level 2
Students must be given a coding answer key but can work in groups to complete the coding project.
Level 3:
Students work independently on the coding project without any answer key.
This project is infused with technology and real-world application and is designed to be engaging and rigorous. It is the perfect unit for any technology, computer, STEAM, or business class.
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